NT Food Technical Limited
BRC Global Standard for Food / ISO 22000:2005 Consultants
NT Food Technical has helped many clients achieve their aim of obtaining or maintaining the BRC and ISO 22000 certification. We are highly skilled and experienced in the development and implementation of innovative quality management systems to meet the demands of your business, whilst ensuring that we help you meet the requirements of either the BRC Global Standard for Food or ISO 22000:2005 Standard. Our experienced food safety and quality experts will appraise your individual needs and will work with you to ensure that you are ready for the day the BRC or ISO auditor comes.
BRC Issue 6 - Is factory GMP the secret to an A grade?
The introduction of BRC issue 6 could make an 'A grade' the gold standard for food manufacturers. With the pressure of so many retailer technical standards, the BRC Global Standard for Food has a point to prove!
Some experts predict that the number of sites that achieve an A grade might be as little as 10%, whilst only 40% of sites are expected to achieve grade B. This would leave many sites with grade C or no certification whatsoever!
To help sites prepare for their first issue 6, NT have developed two audits to independently check compliance.
1. 'The GMP' to thoroughly test site operating standards
2. 'The Gap' to check that the new requirements of issue 6 have been addressed
We tailor our services to your circumstances, so please do contact us and let one of our food safety, quality and legality consultants discuss your specific requirements.